Sunday, June 20, 2010

I finished school! The summer holidays begin very well, many concerts and festivals in July! And now I'll have more time, try to update the blog!

( Mallorca Rocks Hotel; June 6th . The Kooks + Bombay Bicycle Club  & Zane Lowe. Amazing! )
party..hahaha june 18
( After .. 8:23 am )


  1. hey nicole!
    Summer!!! haha I see you'll have a lot of fun. I hope all goes well and you spend a good time this summer.

  2. Ay, no sé cómo he llegado hasta tu blog, pero sabe que te sigo porque realmente me encanta!

    Soy nueva en esto, y si te gusta el blog, porque no, me puedes seguir.

    Un besazo!
